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We believe the success of any theatre company is determined by a deep and genuine connection to its audience and the respect and value it places on its artists.


Since 2010, TheatreiNQ has enjoyed a significant proven track record of success by maintaining its unerring connection to our community and commitment to our artists. This has been achieved not only through our central philosophy of high quality theatre created for and by our region, but also due to a unique formula which effectively challenges modern views on how a theatre company works. Arguably, TheatreiNQ could therefore be viewed as an artistic leader; demonstrating a model for the creation and delivery of outstanding art in (and for) a regional community.

TheatreiNQ has a simple but effective creative philosophy which combines professional, emerging and community values and talent into a vibrant melting-pot of shared creative experience.


What is it?

Ensemble theatre occurs when, rather than auditioning freelancers on a project-by-project basis, a group of theatre artists work together over many years to create theatre. These artists can include performers, artistic directors, technicians, stage management and key administrative staff. Many of our ensemble have been with the company since the very beginning - over 10 years. The practice is common-place for dance companies and orchestras.

The Benefits

Theatre companies that make use of the ensemble model make the best use of rehearsal time. Long-term relationships are nurtured enriching the experience for all concerned. THEATREiNQ utilises the Ensemble methodology to develop and train local talent to professional levels as well as allowing the company to cultivate its own signature style. Each production includes a unique blend of professional actors, local ensemble members and actors in training with The Bridge Project. 

Our Audience 

Our audience also feels the benefit of a richer theatre experience – not only in the opportunity to see better theatre through developing a higher quality of work, but through a sense of 'ownership' of the ensemble and an evolving relationship with its members. This long-term connection also allows for more sustained provision of community engagement and education work as well as generating employment opportunities within the arts for our region. 

How it works

The TheatreiNQ Ensemble is made up of the following divisions :

The Executive Committee

Core Company

The Ensemble
The Bridge Project

Artistic Associates

TheatreiNQ operates as a independent professional theatre company, with 2 Full-Time and 2 Part-Time permanent  staff.    The Ensemble are engaged as profit-share or under short-term contracts if the project has secured funding.  Guest Professionals are paid under short-term contracts.

Core Company

Core Company

The Core Company are involved in each and every TheatreiNQ production.  They are the life-blood of the company and these are the people who have carved our signature style in performance, in business and in company practice. 

Terri Brabon OAM

Terri Brabon OAM

Bachelor of Theatre Artistic Director Company Professional Actor The Bridge Project Mentor/Co-ordinator The Culture Club Mentor

Brendan O'Connor

Brendan O'Connor

Associate Diploma of Performing Arts Company Professional Actor Associate Artistic Director Set Designer/Creator The Bridge Project Mentor

Anne-Marie Smith

Anne-Marie Smith

Bachelor of Arts Company Manager Marketing/Design Executive Committee

Arminelle Fleming

Arminelle Fleming

Bachelor of Arts (Drama) Ensemble Actor ThiNQ Ed Co-Ordinator The Bridge Project Mentor Grants Officer

Kathleen Brabon

Kathleen Brabon

Costume Mistress

Daniel Lobley

Daniel Lobley

Bridge Project 2021-2023 Venue Technician / Lighting Designer

Acting Ensemble

The  Ensemble

The Ensemble are a team of theatre makers based in Townsville that have been working together for many years.  All members of the ensemble take on extra responsibilities on each production they work on, supporting the team, sharing their knowledge and adding to the rich tapestry of the Company.  The Ensemble is made up of Actors, Directors, Designers, Administrators, Costume Creators, Props Creators & Technicians.  Year in, year out - they generously offer their talents and passion to the Company and as a team have created over 50 shows together.


Susie Brabon

Susie Brabon

Props Specialist

Michael Doris

Michael Doris

Actor LiNQ Team

Kellie Esling

Kellie Esling

Bachelor of Arts Actor Secretary - Executive Committee Production Team

Robert Esling

Robert Esling

Builder / Head of Logistics

Michael Gleeson

Michael Gleeson

Actor / Musician LiNQ Team Production Assistant Teaching Artist

John Goodson

John Goodson

Bachelor of Theatre Actor / Musician

Shannon Jenson

Shannon Jenson

Bachelor of Theatre Executive Committee Actor / Playwright

Michelle Jones

Michelle Jones

Front of House

Emma Lamberton

Emma Lamberton

Bachelor of New Media Actor LiNQ Team Production Assistant Marketing Assistant

Bernie Lanigan

Bernie Lanigan

Actor Vice President - Executive Committee

Chrissy Maguire

Chrissy Maguire

Company Photographer

Sally McCutcheon

Sally McCutcheon

Bachelor of Arts (Acting) Actor President - Executive Committee

Rita Neale

Rita Neale

Bachelor of Creative Arts Actor / Musician

Chris Nobile

Chris Nobile

Executive Committee Production/Stage Manager Production Team

Tina Porta

Tina Porta

Front of House

Ron Pulman

Ron Pulman

Bachelor of Theatre Actor Fight Choreographer Teaching Artist

Keely Pronk

Keely Pronk

Actor LiNQ Team Production Assistant

John Robertson

John Robertson

Bachelor of Theatre (Honours) Actor / Film Director

Hollie Sams

Hollie Sams


Michael Sams

Michael Sams

Bachelor of Arts (Acting) Actor / Playwright

Robert Street

Robert Street

Bachelor of Theatre Actor Executive Committee Member

Anna Vella-Sams

Anna Vella-Sams

Bachelor of Theatre Actor

Paris Walsh

Paris Walsh

Bachelor of Education Actor LiNQ Team Culture Club Co-Ordinator Production Assistant Teaching Artist

Artistic Associates

Artistic Associates

Since it's inception, TheatreiNQ has regularly invited professional artists from metropolitan areas to work with the Company.  These invited Guest Professionals are a vital component of the make-up of our Company and have included actors, directors, technicians and other specialists.  Guest Professionals have included Syd Brisbane, Jamie Schmidt, Ebony Buckle, Hugh Sexton, John du Feu, Mia Landgren, Michael Futcher, Queenie van de Zandt, Anna McCrossin Owen, Mike Bishop, Robert Shook, Madeleine Dyer, Daniel Mulvihill and Jan Russ to mention a few. 

With the growing success of The Bridge Project, the returning professionals now include graduates of our training programme, who are invited back to perform with the company as professionals.  This has developed into a pool of regionally born, metropolitan based Artistic Associates who continue to maintain their connection with the Company and with the Community.  The creation of the Artistic Associate Ensemble allows the company to remain industry current,  continues to develop and grow the skills of our local Ensemble while also looking forward to future leadership of the Company.

Elyse Phelan

Elyse Phelan

As You Like It (2024)

Jacob McCarthy

Jacob McCarthy

As You Like It (2024)

Megan Heferen

Megan Heferen

As You Like It (2024)

Harlee Timms

Harlee Timms

As You Like It (2024)

Faduma Ali

Faduma Ali

Chewing Gum Dreams (2024/2023)

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